What is a certificate camera?

A physician­u­ment cam­era is a existent-time epitome cap­tur­ing device that, when con­nect­ed to a pro­jec­tor or dig­i­tal dis­play, can evidence videos or still pho­tos of objects and doc­u­ments for a large group of peo­ple to see. Doc­u­ment cam­eras can of course be used to dis­play physician­u­ments, but some dr. cams can also bear witness micro­telescopic sam­ples, be used every bit web­cams, and record sound and video.

How do I use a document camera?

The great­est ben­e­fit of md­u­ment cam­eras is the abil­i­ty to give a close-up view of pocket-size objects and doc­u­ments to an entire class­room. A sin­gle medico cam can save thou­sands of pages of paper in a year (no need to brand copies for every stu­dent!) and can even help you save mon­ey on text­books and oth­er course materials.

Here are ten idea­ful ways to use doc­u­ment cam­eras in your class­room and make lessons more engag­ing, inter­air conditioning­tive, and memorable.

ane. Zoom in on objects and specimens.

Whether y'all're show­ing your grade how a cir­cuit board works or observ­ing an insect, a doc­u­ment cam­era with opti­cal zoom allows every­one present to see the nearly intri­cate aspects of your sub­ject in per­fect detail. For sci­ence class you tin can fifty-fifty utilise a doctor­u­ment cam­era that con­nects to a micro­telescopic to prove your course existent-time video or notwithstanding pho­tos of sam­ples, and atomic number 82 a dis­cus­sion most what you're observing.

2. Read between the lines.

Doc­u­ment cam­eras are per­fect for group lit­er­ary analy­sister. A physician­u­ment cam­era with anno­ta­tion soft­ware will allow you loftier­lite impor­tant pas­sages and brand anno­ta­tions direct­ly over books and doc­u­ments. Doctor cams with text opti­miza­tion volition make impress clear, high con­trast, and easy to read. You lot tin too use your doc­u­ment cam­era to dis­play group dis­cus­sion ques­tions and use the anno­ta­tion fea­ture to write down answers from stu­dents. Desire to share an expen­sive or rare text with your class? With a doc cam, you only demand one copy!

3. Record and share lessons.

Some doc­u­ments accept video record­ing capa­bil­i­ty. With a md­u­ment cam­era that can record audio and video, yous can salvage an unabridged les­son about your doc­u­ment, object, or spec­i­men to the doctor cam'southward inter­nal mem­o­ry, your com­put­er, or an SD card. You can then share record­ed lessons with absent stu­dents, with your col­leagues, or even on YouTube.

4. Go students involved.

If you lot're using a doctor­u­ment cam­era with a remote con­trol, you lot tin can pass the remote around the form and permit stu­dents to zoom in on details at volition. Stu­dents tin can come up to the cam­era and write answers, han­dle objects or spec­i­mens, or give a pre­sen­ta­tion, in view of every­ane in the room.

5. Host interesting visitors.

Some physician­u­ment cam­eras tin also serve as web­cams. Using Skype, Google Meet, or anoth­er video chat appli­ca­tion, you can concur a Q&A between your stu­dents and speak­ers from effectually the world. Com­bined with an inter­air-conditioning­tive dis­play or pro­jec­tor, information technology'll almost be similar your guest is in the room.

vi. Assistance notation takers catch up.

A doc­u­ment cam­era with split up screen capa­bil­i­ties will allow you to show alive video on ane side of the screen and a still epitome on the oth­er. This tin can be a big help for slow writ­ers tak­ing notes in class. After you lot've anno­tat­ed over a doc­u­ment or demon­strat­ed a math prob­lem, you lot can take a screen­shot and dis­play it on 1 side of the screen, then con­tin­ue work­ing on the oth­er side.

7. Manage your classroom.

A doc­u­ment cam­era is per­fect for dis­play­ing a listing of rules, dai­ly tasks, or top­ics of the day to your entire class with­out hav­ing to pass out indi­vid­ual papers. You tin can even use it to dis­play quiz ques­tions, and and then an answer sheet after a quiz, free­ing you to work on the adjacent job instead of read­ing answers out loud.

8. Enhance demonstrations.

Doc­u­ment cam­eras are ide­al for art class, dwelling house eco­nom­ics, store, or whatsoever oth­er class where you want to demon­strate tech­niques to an unabridged room. Trade schools oft use doc­u­ment cam­eras to demon­strate car mechan­ics, elec­tri­cal projects, and oth­er hands-on skills. You lot tin can even record and play dorsum video from an ear­li­er ses­sion. Stu­dents can come up up to the cam­era, dis­play their own work, and dis­cuss their process with the class.

9. Brand time to play.

Play­ing a game with your stu­dents? With a physician cam, yous can dis­play impress­ed rules, die rolls, hr­drinking glass­es, game boards, and cards on a large class­room dis­play or pro­jec­tor. Whether you're play­ing hang­man, bin­go, or a board game, you can practice information technology all with a doc­u­ment camera.

10. Replace your scanner.

A doc­u­ment cam­era with epitome cap­ture tin can com­plete­ly replace your class­room scan­ner. Yous tin can scan book pages, home­work assign­ments, class notes, or any­affair else you can imag­ine into a dig­i­tal copy that can be saved and shared online. Some browse­ner doc­u­ment cam­eras are even portable, so you lot can pack them up and take them dwelling with your lap­meridian! A doc­u­ment cam­era is less expen­sive than a smart­telephone and many paw­held dig­i­tal cameras.

QOMO flexible gooseneck camera illuminating an object

Physician­u­ment cam­eras are incred­i­bly ver­sa­tile grade­room tools. They come in a vari­ety of price ranges, so y'all're sure to find one with­in your bud­become. Not sure what kind of doc­u­ment cam­era you need for your course­room? Just send us an email or employ our Qus­tomer Qare chat!